Εναποθέσαμε τις ελπίδες μας σε εγχώριους φτωχοδιάβολους χωρίς καμία ελπίδα. Μπροστά στην επερχόμενοι καταστροφή του Ιουλίου, βάζουν την ιδιοτέλεια τους και τα ταπεινά συμφέροντα που τους χαρακτιρίζουν πάνω από όλα.
Για αλήθειες θα πρέπει να κοιτάξουμε αλλού όπως στην επιστολή της προέδρου του ΔΝΤ Κριστίν Λαγκάρντ που έστειλε σήμερα στους 19 υπουργούς οικονομικών της ΕΕ ενόψει της συνάντησής τους την ερχόμενη Δευτέρα ζητώντας τους να εξετάσουν την αναδιάρθρωση του χρέους σε συνδυασμό με την οικονομική βοήθεια.
Dear minister:
Program discussions between Greece and the institutions have made progress in recent weeks, but significant gaps remain to be bridged before an agreement can be reached that would include the IMF under one of our program facilities. I think it is time for me to clarify our position, and to explain the reasons why we believe that specific measures, debt restructuring, and financing must now be discussed simultaneously.
Christine Lagarde
Για αλήθειες θα πρέπει να κοιτάξουμε αλλού όπως στην επιστολή της προέδρου του ΔΝΤ Κριστίν Λαγκάρντ που έστειλε σήμερα στους 19 υπουργούς οικονομικών της ΕΕ ενόψει της συνάντησής τους την ερχόμενη Δευτέρα ζητώντας τους να εξετάσουν την αναδιάρθρωση του χρέους σε συνδυασμό με την οικονομική βοήθεια.
Dear minister:
Program discussions between Greece and the institutions have made progress in recent weeks, but significant gaps remain to be bridged before an agreement can be reached that would include the IMF under one of our program facilities. I think it is time for me to clarify our position, and to explain the reasons why we believe that specific measures, debt restructuring, and financing must now be discussed simultaneously.
In particular, a clarification is needed to
clear unfounded allegations that the
IMF is being inflexible, calling for unnecessary new fiscal measures and – as a
result – causing a delay in the negotiations and the disbursement of urgently
needed funds.
First, together with the other institutions we
have negotiated in good faith with our Greek partners on a package of fiscal
measures yielding 2.5 per cent of GDP – close to being agreed – that will in
our view be sufficient to reach a primary surplus of 1.5 per cent of GDP by
2018. Our assessment is based on realistic assumptions informed by Greece’s
track record, the international environment, and the latest data released by
Second, this target falls short of what Greece promised its
European partners in July last year – namely that it would
achieve a primary surplus of 3.5 per cent of GDP in 2018. If the Eurogroup
decided to hold Greece to this target, we could support an additional effort to
temporarily reach this level, although it is higher than what we consider
economically and socially sustainable in the long-run (see below).
However, let there be no doubt that meeting
this higher target would not only be very difficult to reach, but possibly counterproductive.
Greece’s fiscal adjustment has in the past fallen short of what was needed
because of the lack of structural reforms underlying the adjustment effort. We
do not believe that it will be possible to reach a 3.5 per cent of GDP primary
surplus by relying on hiking already high taxes levied on a narrow base,
cutting excessively discretionary spending, and counting on one-off measures as
has been proposed in recent weeks. The additional adjustment effort of 2 per cent
of GDP would only be credible based on long overdue public sector reforms,
notably of the pension and tax system.
Unfortunately, the contingency mechanism that
Greece is proposing does not include such reforms. Instead, the authorities
have offered to make short-term across-the-board cuts in discretionary spending
– which has already been compressed to the point where the provision of public
service is severely compromised – or transitory cuts in pension and wages not
supported by fundamental parametric reforms. Based on past performance, such ad-hoc measures are not very credible, but
they are also undesirable as they add to uncertainty and fail
to resolve the underlying imbalances. I should also add that Greece has
legislated a dozen contingency-type mechanisms in the past that have largely
not worked.
Third, going forward, we do not expect Greece
to be able to sustain a primary surplus of 3.5 per cent of GDP for decades to
come. Only a few European countries have managed to do so, carried by a strong
social consensus that is not in evidence in Athens. It would be unrealistic to expect future governments to
resist pressure to relax fiscal policy over political cycles
stretching far into the future. The recent experience – when first a
center-right and then a center-left government quickly succumbed to easing
pressures once a small primary surplus was achieved – should inform us against
making such exceptional assumptions in the case of Greece. In our view, maintaining a primary surplus of 1.5 per cent
of GDP over the foreseeable future may be achievable in the
context of a successful program and strong European budget surveillance for
many years to come thereafter.
I understand the urgency of
the situation in the case of Greece and Europe as a whole, and our common
objective is to quickly agree on a way forward. This requires compromises from
all sides, and we have contributed our part by focusing conditionality on what
we see as the absolute minimum, leaving important structural reforms to a later
stage. However, for us to support Greece with a new IMF arrangement,
it is essential that the financing and debt relief from Greece’s European
partners are based on fiscal targets that are realistic because they are
supported by credible measures to reach them. We insist on such assurances in
all our programs, and we cannot deviate from this basic principle in
the case of Greece. The IMF must apply the same standard to Greece as
to other members of our institution.Sincerely,
Christine Lagarde
Και στις Δημοτικές πολλοι συνεργάστηκαν με τον διαβολο για να μην βγει ο Κουκούλης.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφή12:13 μ.μ. αυτός είχε συμβολο του συνδυασμου του το 666 .
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήεξηγηστε μου κατι, αυτο το ΠΑΜΕ που παει τελικα? γιατι μια ζωη μονο του παει, νομιζω;
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΑυτό κάτι λέει......
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΦαντάσου απελπισία που είχαν οι Γενήτες.Προκειμένου να ξεφορτωθούνε τους δήθεν σωτήρες ,τους δήθεν έξυπνους,τους δήθεν ξερόλες οχι με τον διάολο αλλά και απο της γριάς το πήδημα θα πέφτανε για να γλυτώσουν απο δαύτους.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφή9:40 μμ αυτο που λες ειναι αστοιχείωτη εξυπνακίστικη χαριτομενιά που την πιστευουν συγκεκριμενης νοημοσυνης ατομα.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΖητω το υποδειγμα χριστιανικού ήθους του ΑΙΓΙΝΑ ΕΝ ΔΡΑΣΕΙ και του αρχηγού του!